Job and Food Places


GCSE communication, ICT, Job Roles EHO Flashcards on Job and Food Places, created by jane stainer on 16/05/2013.
jane stainer
Flashcards by jane stainer, updated more than 1 year ago
jane stainer
Created by jane stainer almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What three places might use contract caterers Hospital,School,Sports events
What is buffet service You can help yourslef to food
What is meant by casual staff people who are employed when needed.
Which type of chef is in charge of the kitchen? Sous Chef
I clear tables and check that customers are satisfied with the service being provided Waiter staff
Waited service... is when waiters take customers' orders and deliver their food. Advantages are..... - Can serve a lot of people quickly. -Provides a personal service. Customers have a wide choice of food.
Waited Service... is when waiters take customers' orders and deliver their food. Dis-advantages are..... -Expensive to employ waiting staff. Specialist equipment may be needed for serving, such as trolleys.
A waitress or waiter should be..... friendly, smart, well dressed, clean, tidy, helpful.
The main job role of a waitre is..... To take orders, deliver the food, clean the worktops, give the bill, take the money, set the table. They also top up customers' drinks.
The role of Head Chef is.... He is the manager of the kitchen. They have overall responsibility for making sure the food is good quality. They plan the menu, buying the ingredients and costings. They are also in charge of hiring and training the other chefs.
Sauce Chef job role is.... -The Sauce Chef prepares sauces, hot hors d'oeuvres and stews. hors d'oeuvres are small dishes or appetisers usually served before a main meal.
What is the job role of the Larder Chef.... -The larder chef prepares cold foods, such as salads, pates, cold meats and buffet items.
The job role of the pastry chef is... The pastry chef makes pastries, desserts and bread.
The Job role of the Vegetable Chef.. -The vegetable chef prepares soups and dishes with vegetables or eggs.
Full-Time Staff. Full time staff normaly have a permanent job and work all year round. They have to sign a contract. They work for a fixed number of hours each week.
Part-Time Staff - Part time staff work for fewer hours in the week than full-time staff. They often work at busy times, such as evenings or weekends. They sign a contract.
Casual Staff... are employed for specific functions or at busy periods of the year. e.g. summer holidays.
The advantages of hiring casual staff are... -They can be available at short notice -They work when they are needed. -They are only paid for the hours they work.
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