Sports leadership revision


Flashcards on Sports leadership revision, created by Jacob Ganfield on 19/06/2017.
Jacob Ganfield
Flashcards by Jacob Ganfield, updated more than 1 year ago
Jacob Ganfield
Created by Jacob Ganfield about 7 years ago

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Autocratic The autocratic style of leadership tends to make all decisions and is motivated to complete the task as quickly and effectively as possible. This leadership style is 'authoritarian' and does not take into account the opinions or preferences of the group. The autocratic leader will not delegate responsibility and focuses on group performance and achieving groups. This style would be most effective when quick decisions are needed for large groups/teams i.e. whole team warm up session.
Democratic Democratic style of leadership tends to share the decisions with the group and is often ready to delegate responsibility. This type of leadership believes in consultation and is interested in developing meaningful relationships within the team.
Laissez-Faire This is when the leader will stand aside and allow the group to make its own independent decisions. This style can happen automatically and will result in a loss of group direction if the leader is inadequate.
Rules in sport Referees and umpires ensure rules in sport are adhered to for fairness and safety. Without rules you'll find it's hard to keep a game going. Let alone make an accurate judgement on who's winning. Sports leaders are highly influential and have the power to motivate those around them, like your own team captain or coach. They're on hand to help with tactics and strategies to beat the competition, plus advise you on your strengths and weaknesses. Referees and umpires make sure that the rules of a game are followed. It is the rules (or laws) that make the sport what it is and help to keep all players safe. Player need to know the rules to play effectively. Coaches need to know the rules to improve performance and prepare their players to play within them. Referees, players and coaches must keep up to date with rule changes in order to be effective. Good referees are confident and decisive. When you referee, make a decision, blow the whistle clearly, tell the players why you made it and what happens next. eg Whistle, Offside, indirect free kick to blue team.
Sports leaders and influence All sports have leaders who influence those around them and improve performance. They will have one or more of the following qualities: Outstanding ability in the sport Enthusiasm The ability to motivate Ability to read the game or sporting situation These include Captains who motivate and set a good example by preforming reliably under pressure and encouraging their team-mates. In some sports they change tactics during play. Coaches who analyse individual and team performance. They plan training programmes to improve fitness, technique and skill and decide the strategies to be used in competition.
Motivation in sport There are two types of motivation in sport. Extrinsic motivation is 'external': people are driven to succeed by factors from outside i.e. money, prizes, acclaim, status, praise. Intrinsic motivation comes from within i.e. an athlete driven by a need to succeed because they want to be the best and are not overly concerned by financial or ego boosts.
Differentiation in sport Understanding the diverse needs of participants to create a welcoming and inclusive environment is all part of great coaching practice. You can change and adapt any sport or activity to change the difficultly for the individual. Space: Where the activity is happening. E.g. modify the space by increasing or decreasing the area in which a task is ta be preformed or changing the distance or areas in which to score points. Task: What is happening? E.g. modify the task by changing the demands, the rules of the activity, the number of times the child is to repeat the task, teaching cues, direction/level/pathway of movement or length of time to complete the task. Equipment: What is being used? E.g. modify the equipment by changing the size of the target, level of equipment, amount of equipment, height of the equipment or the arrangement of the equipment. People: Who is involved? E.g. modify the people involved by having children work alone, with a partner, bigger teams, smaller teams, as leader or follower, on different activities, or in a small group.
Skills of a good sports leader Communication, Organisation of equipment, Knowledge, Activity structure, Target setting, Use of language, Evaluation.
SMART targets In sport, and in life, it is important to set SMART targets. An effective performer requires a range of technical, physical and mental skills to cope with the demands of competition. Developing these skills requires careful planning and this can be achieved by setting short/immediate targets and long-term targets. Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time-phased Targets must be specific to your ability and be easily measurable. It's also important that the targets set are achievable and realistic. Targets must also be time-phased.
Communication Communication is a two way process Giving Receiving
Communication in sport Verbally: Clear, concise, positive, simple Listening: Concentrate, ask questions, use information Demonstrating: Simple, correct, use often Non-verbal: Gestures, hand signals, facial expressions
Qualities of a sports leader Appearance, Leadership style, Personality, Enthusiasm, Motivation, Humour, Confidence
Responsibilities of a sports coach Professional conduct, Health and safety, Insurance, Child protection, Legal obligations, Equality, Rules and regulations, Ethics and values A risk assessment is a systematic process of evaluating the potential risks that may be involved in a projected activity/sport/trip
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