Rio Case Study Key Info


GCSE Geography Flashcards on Rio Case Study Key Info, created by Tom .. on 28/06/2017.
Tom ..
Flashcards by Tom .., updated more than 1 year ago
Tom ..
Created by Tom .. over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Rio de Janeiro Internationally Rio is located on the south atlantic coastline in Brazil, South America. It is found just on the tropic of capricorn. It is over 5000 miles away from the UK and it borders 10 countries.
Rio de Janeiro Nationally Brazil has many mountanous passages to the east side near Rio, Sao Paulo and Belo horizonte (nearby cities.) However the west is very much flat and the amazon river runs through it.
Rio de Janeiro Regionally The centro is the oldest part of the city with many historic buildings. In the west zone is a wealthy coastal suburb with apartments and shopping malls. In the north zone is the main industrial zone. The south is the main tourist zone and beaches.
Biggest favela and case study location Rocinha
Second case study location, new town Barra de tijuca
3 ways of improving favelas Local Authority Scheme Site+Service Self Help
Local Authority Scheme Providing basic services but also allowing residents to see where funding goes
Self help Usually a government sponsored scheme under which members of a community are encouraged to better themselves through means such as creating self-employment, growing own food, or making own shelter.
Site+Service The authorities clear a plot of land then give it services, letting the citizans build on it
Problems with healthcare In 2013 only 55% of the city had a local health clinic. Services for pregnant and elderly is poor
Problems with education Compulsory for 6-14 but only half continue past 14
Problems with water In 2012 37% of water was lost through leaky pipes, fraud and illegal access
Problems with energy Frequent blackouts due to electricity shortage
Problems with economy Over 20% don't have a formal contract and work in the informal sector (e.g. shoe shining)
Opportunities with education School is free
Opportunities with water 7 new treatment plans build between 1998 and 2014 and at least 300km of pipes
Opportunities with energy 60km of new power lines and a nuclear generator and a hydroelectric complex
Opportunities with economy 6% of Brazil's economy and 80% by big retail, finance and industrial buisnesses.
Why is Rio important internationally? Iconic statues such as Christ the Redeemer and also host of 2014 world cup
Why is Rio important nationally? Cultural and carnival capital of the country making it unique from any other city
Why is Rio important regionally? It is the capital of the state of Rio
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