Real Property- Conveyancing


Erika  Lopez
Flashcards by Erika Lopez, updated more than 1 year ago
Erika  Lopez
Created by Erika Lopez over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Land Sale Contract Requirements 1. Memorialized in writing 2. Contains signature of party to be charged 3. Essential terms (price, party, description of land)
Doctrine of Equitable Conversion Once a K is signed- equity views 1. buyer as the owner of the REAL PROPERTY 2. seller's interest (right to proceeds of sale) is PERSONAL PROPERTY
Risk of Loss If property is destroyed (w/o fault of either party) before closing --> Majority Rule= ROL is on the buyer
Marketable Title Every K contains implied covenant that seller will provide marketable title=reasonable free from doubt. Must be free of Q's the present unreasonable risk of litigation.
Defects in Record Chain of Title 1. Defect in chain of title ex: variation in land description, defectively executed deed, the previous grantor lacked capacity 2. Adverse Possession 3. Future Interests Held By Unborn or Unascertained Parties 4. Encumbrances: Generally mortgages, liens, recovered covenants, easements & significant encroachments render title marketable
Remedy if Title Not Marketable Buyer must notify the seller that title is unmarketable & give him reasonable time to cure the defects. If seller fails to cure then buyer can (1) Rescind (2) Seek Damages (3) Specific Performance with Abatement (4) Quiet Title Suit
Exception to Buyer's Remedy if Title was Marketable If closing occurs, the K & deed merge & seller's liability on the implied contractual covenant ends. BUT quit-claim deed ≠ affect implied covenant to provide marketable title
Time of Essence in a K required Time is of the essence in the K if (i) the circumstances indicate it (ii) circumstances indicate that was the parties' intent (iii) one party gives the other party notice that time is of the essence
Party's Tender is Excused When... (i) if the other party has REPUDIATED the K OR (ii) It is IMPOSSiBLE (unmarketable title that party can't perform)
Remedies for Breach Of Sale 1. Nonbreaching party is entitled to damages (diff btw K price & mkt value on date of the breach + incidental costs) OR 2. Specific performance (b/c land=unique) --> can seek an abatement
Seller's Liabilities for Defective Property (i) Warranty of Fitness or Quality- New Construction only (ii) Negligence of Builder (iii) Sale of Existing Land & Buildings- Liability for Defects (iv) Misrepresentation (Fraud) (v) Active Concealment (vi) Failure to Disclose
Liability for New Construction (Texas Specific) 1. Warranty of good workmanship= disclaimer is only valid if builder EXPRESSLy warrants the quality of construction 2. No disclaimer or waiver available for warranty of habitability
Liability of Seller of Existing Land & Buildings (Resale) 1. No implied warranties regarding the physical condition 2. Doesn't prohibit liability based on other theories 2. BUT seller must (i) disclose serious defects that the seller knows & not obvious to the buyer (ii) can't actively conceal defects (iii) cannot make a false statement regarding a condition on the property
Statutory Disclosure Form (Texas Specific) §5.008 of the Texas Property Code provides a statutory seller's disclosure form that must be completed HONESTLY by seller & provided to the buyer before entering into sales K fo residential.
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