Stratford Case Study Key Info


GCSE Geography Flashcards on Stratford Case Study Key Info, created by Tom .. on 08/07/2017.
Tom ..
Flashcards by Tom .., updated more than 1 year ago
Tom ..
Created by Tom .. over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Olympic park location In the town of Stratford in the borough of Newham and is almost surrounded by A-roads. This means easy transport access
How many new houses built in East Village (Athlete's village) 2800
Old factories were replaced with _______ Sports venues
How many independent shops/cafes/bars? 35
Overgrown sites replaced with _______ A lanscaped park
Overhead cables moved _________ Underground
New school 1800 Students 3-18
______ mountain Fridge
How many jobs were made? 70,000
How many more people are playing sport 1.4 million
How many people where forced from thier homes? 450
What percent of population under 24? (London) 41%
Percent of GDP from London 22%
Percent in poverty (London) 27%
Headquarters for which companies (London) Google BBC Coca Cola
Culture, Sport and Entertainment in London Wembley and Wimbolden
London transport Cycle highways Underground Trams
2 Big airports (London) Heathrow Gatwick
Affordable _______ Housing in E20 (East village)
Car parking is ______ Paid
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