Autonomic Nervous System


Flashcards by O GA, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by O GA over 7 years ago
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If tumor grew posteriorly it would have to go through the retro mammary space into the underlying muscle to give Abnormal movements of the breasts
Autonomic system deals with Involuntary innervation of muscles
Nervous system is structurally divided into the CNS & PNS
Nervous system is Functionally divided into the Somatic (Voluntary) & Autonomic (Involuntary)
Smooth Vessels Surrounds blood vessels Cardiac and Glands.
ANS controls blood vessels by Constriction and Dilation
Autonomic Nervous system unlike the Somatic system is a 2 neuron system and not a 1 neuron system
ANS is AKA Visceral system (Innervation of hollow organs) e. Blood vessels, heart, lung. etc.
ANS is divided into Sympathetic & Parasympathetic
Sympathetic AKA (Thoracic Lumbar Division)
Parasympathetic AKA (Cranio Sacro Division) Where they start decided whether they are a sympathetic or Parasympathetic nerve
1st Nerve & 2nd Nerve Pre Synaptic or Pre-ganglionic its cell body always originates in the CNS and axon
Autonomic nerves are called visceral Motor nerves because They are on the way to innervate hollow organs or Visceral
Distinction between 2 divisions Sym and Parasympathetic is always based on Preganglionic nerve... 1st Nerve (S
Preganglionic or 1st nerve of the Sympathetic always originate in The grey matter of spine... T1-L2 (Thoraco-Lumbar System) portion of the CNS
Preganglionic or 1st nerve of the Sympathetic always originate in the brain stem or in the grey matter of the spine S2-S4 (Cranio-Sacral)
Sympathtic is energy dependent T/F Catabolic True. It allows us to deal with stress.
Para Sympathtic is energy independent T/F Anabolic True. Quiet and orderly process.
1st neurons in sympathetic division are in (Pre-synaptic) Lateral horn of the (Grey Matter) spinal cord between T1-L2
2nd neurons in sympathetic division are in (Post synaptic) Can be in Sympathetic Chain Ganglia or Pre-Aortic Ganglia
Pre-Aortic Ganglia Ganglia generally located along the aorta in the abdomen
Sympathetic Chain Is AKA Sympathetic Trunk
Sympathetic Chain Two parallel nerve cords extending on each side of the vertebral column with numerous intermittent ganglia
Ventral Rami is connected to the Sympathetic Trunks via. Rami Communicante.
What cell bodies originate in the lateral horn Preganglionic Sympathetic Neuron cell body (Visceral)
What cell bodies originate in the Ventral horn Somatic Motor
Preganglionic's leave the spinal nerve and get into the sympathetic chain via White Ramus Communicans
While in sympathetic chain there are 3 possible routes
Splanchnic Nerves Pass through the sympathetic chain without synapsing and continue to pre-aortic ganglion
Moto nerves exit the spine through the Ventral Root.
Visceral Motor nerves are accompanied by Visceral Sensory Nerves
Visceral Sensory Nerves Conveys info back to the CNS concerning the status of what was innervated.
Visceral Sensory Nerves are located in the Dorsal Root Ganglion Because they are Sensory. (DRG)
4 different branches of nerves Somatic Motor (Ventral Horn) Somatic Sensory Visceral Motor Visceral Sensory KNOW CELL BODIES OF ALL
Sympathetic Nerves that innervate the organs within cavities have to Follow alternate routes.
Visceral Nerves originate in Lateral Horn
They exit the chain as Cardiac Sympathetic nerves Cardiac Sympathetic nerves or if Lungs (Pulmonary lung)
Ventral sensory neurons aren't so good at localizing pain.
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