

World Hi
Flashcards by J N, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by J N over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
An era of European history after the Roman empire that lasted from 500 to 1500 Middle Ages
A Germanic people who held power in the Roman province of Gaul (parts of France and Switzerland) Franks
Well educated and religious communities in Europe where Christian men who devoted their lives to serving God lived monasteries
What the papacy became under Gregory I A secular, or worldly political power
The center of Roman govt the Pope's Palace
The mayor of the palace, or major domo, who held more power than the king Charles Martel
The grandson of Charles Martel who became the king of the Frankish empire and the emperor of Rome. Built one of the largest empires of the time and spread Christianity through conquest, reunited Western Europe. Charlemagne
How did Charlemagne value education? he opened schools for the children of the court and forced monasteries to open training schools for priests and monks.
the first leader of the Franks Clovis
How Germanic invasions affected Western Europe. disrupted trade cities decline population becomes more rural latin declines and languages evolve from it.
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