flashcard 7.1


Flashcards on flashcard 7.1, created by Ilyas Jama on 23/07/2017.
Ilyas Jama
Flashcards by Ilyas Jama, updated more than 1 year ago
Ilyas Jama
Created by Ilyas Jama over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the 5 forces ? Push,Pull,Decrease,Increase and Twist
what is force measured in newton
What is it called when something picks up speed Acceleration
What is inertia when an object can only move when pushed.
what is it called when everything is in constant speed balanced movement
what is it called when something slows down or comes to a rapid stop Deceleration
what pulls you toward earth gravity
what happens if your in a car and it comes to a rapid stop you move forward
What force do you use when turning on a tap? the force is twist
when a newton is 0 what does it mean that it is balanced
how does a spring measure weight When it is being squashed or stretched
what force do you use when dragging a boat pull
What happens to a unbalanced movement you start to get faster
how can a force communicate with two substances a push or a pull
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