plate Tectonics


9th Geology Flashcards on plate Tectonics, created by Brian Hedspeth on 04/06/2014.
Brian Hedspeth
Flashcards by Brian Hedspeth, updated more than 1 year ago
Brian Hedspeth
Created by Brian Hedspeth over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Wegener proposed this hypothesis Continental Drift
Each of the rigid slabs of Earth's lithosphere is called a Plate
The mechanism responsible for producing new sea floor Sea floor spreading
The type of plate boundary where plates move together Convergent plate boundary
Ancient magnetism in rock structures Paleomagnetism
This theory states that Earth's crust consists of 7 smaller sections Plate tectonics
When rocks exhibit the same magnetism present in the magnetic field Normal polarity
The type of plate boundary where plates move apart Divergent plate boundary
A rising plume of magma such as the one that created the Hawaiian islands Hot spot
The supercontinent that broke into smaller continents Pangaea
A region where an oceanic plate descends into the athsenosphere Subduction zone
A down faulted valley Created along spreading centers on continents Rift valley
Occurs where plates grind past each other Transform boundary
The temperature where magnetic minerals lose their magnetism Curie point
Rocks that exhibit magnetism that is opposite to the present magnetic field Reverse polarity
A chain of small volcanic islands that form when two oceanic plates converge Island arc
A deep feature that forms along a subduction zone Ocean trench
An elevated portion of the sea floor that forms along divergent plate boundaries Ocean ridge system
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