Created by Lewis White
almost 12 years ago
Question | Answer |
Describe | Provide a thorough description |
Discuss | Examine closely taking account of strengths and weaknesses in an argument; offer reasons for and against (advantages & disadvantages). Try and use the word whereas when comparing factors. |
Distinguish | Identify the differences between 2 or more factors. Try and use the word whereas when comparing factors. |
Explain | Give a detailed response (definition and explanation) as to how/why something may benefit/hinder. Try and use the words therefore or so that or which means that when adjoining sentences. An explanation is asking for a consequence or the end result of something. |
Give | Pick some key factors and name them. |
Identify | Give the name or identifying characteristics of something. |
Justify | Give reasons to support suggestions, conclusions. |
List | State the factors (with no explanation or elaboration) |
Name | Identify the names or make a list |
Outline | State the main features |
State | Present in brief form |
Suggest | State a possible reason or course of action (no development required). Your suggestion as expert advising someone. |
Compare | Identify similarities and differences between 2 or more factors. Try and use the word whereas when comparing factors. |
Define | Give a clear meaning |
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