Timeline of U.S. History


This timeline shows just some of the many interesting and profoundly influential events that occurred during the history of the United States.
Samuel Thacker
Flowchart by Samuel Thacker, updated more than 1 year ago
Samuel Thacker
Created by Samuel Thacker almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Flowchart nodes

  • Haitian Revolt: This caused slave owners to be more strict towards their slaves
  • Attack on Fort Sumter: this attack was the official start of the Civil War
  • 1791
  • Fugitive Slave Act of 1850: harshly penalized officials and citizens who helped runaway slaves
  • Election of Abraham Lincoln: led to the secession of the Southern States within weeks.
  • 1860
  • 1860
  • 1852
  • 1850
  • End of the Slave Trade: this was an attempt to stop slavery, which made the South unhapy
  • Vesey Revolt: a revolt among slaves in Carolina signaled the discontent of the enslaved
  • Ratification of the U.S. Constitution: this constitution united the states into a single country
  • Nat Turner's rebellion: a slave rebellion in Virginia, it showed that slaves would go to great lengths to be freed
  • U.s.-Mexican War: led to the annexation of Texas as a slave state
  • Missouri Crisis: an attempt to balance the Free North and the Slave South.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin: this book revealed the harsh realities of slavery in the South.
  • Dred Scott Case: court case ruling that Black Americans could not be US Citizens
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act: gave precedence to popular sovereignty, saying these territories could choose between slavery
  • Second Great Awakening: made slavery be viewed as inhumane and un-Christian
  • Ely Whitney's Cotton Gin: The cotton gin made cotton a profitable crop, which increased slavery
  • Harper's Ferry raid: raid for weapons that could be used for a slave revolt
  • 1831
  • 1788
  • 1794
  • 1846
  • 1807
  • 1822
  • 1859
  • 1801
  • 1856
  • 1854
  • 1819
  • 1830's
  • Cotton Revolution: the introduction of cotton into the South brought slavery with it
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