Un exemplu amuzant


Flowchart on Un exemplu amuzant, created by Irina Linte on 24/04/2020.
Irina Linte
Flowchart by Irina Linte, updated more than 1 year ago
Irina Linte
Created by Irina Linte over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Flowchart nodes

  • Un exemplu amuzant
  • Start
  • fp1=fopen(”fruit.txt”, ”r”)
  • fp1==NULL
  • printf(”ERROR” in opening file)
  • i=0
  • fclose(fp1)
  • end
  • fgets(product, sizeof(product), fp1)
  • i < lines
  • id = atoi (strtok(product, ","))
  • strcpy(name,strtok(NULL," ,"))
  • price=atof(strtok(NULL,","))
  • i++
  • Yes
  • No
  • yes
  • No
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