Aphasia is an acquired
disorder of language
due to brain damage.
What causes aphasia?
Aphasia is most often
caused by stroke. However,
any disease or damage to
the parts of the brain that
control language can cause
aphasia. These include
brain tumors, traumatic
brain injury, and
progressive neurological
* Affects cognitive and intellectual skills
Wernicke's aphasia
Is characterized by a
prominent deficit in
Language may be excessive;
this phenomenon has been
called press of speech.
Because the abundance of
words, their speech often
conveys little meaning.
Comprehension is
usually preserved, at
least in part, but
language production
is not fluent.
A type of nonfluent aphasia
with severe impairment of
both expressive and receptive
skills. Usually associated with
a large left hemisphere lesion.
People are often alert and
may be able to express
themselves through facial
expressions, intonation, and
A type of fluent aphasia with a
prominent impairment with repetition.
Patient show significant difficulty
repeating phrases, particularly as the
phrases increase in length and
complexity and as they stumble over
words they are attempting to pronounce.
This type of aphasia is rare.
A mild form of aphasia. The
most prominent difficulty is in
word-finding, with the person
using generic fillers in
utterances, such as
nonspecific nouns and
pronouns (e.g., "thing"), or
circumlocution, where the
person describes the intended
Transcortical Sensory
A type of fluent aphasia similar to
Wernicke's with the exception of a
strong ability to repeat words and
phrases. The person may repeat
questions rather than answer them
Transcortical Motor
A type of nonfluent aphasia similar to
Broca's aphasia, but again with strong
repetition skills. The person may have
difficulty spontaneously answering a
question but can repeat long utterances
without difficulty.
Mixed Transcortical
A combination of the two
transcortical aphasias where
both reception and
expression are severely
impaired but repetition
remains intact.
A type of aphasia that occurs
when a person's language
centers are not in the expected
hemisphere. In most
right-handed individuals,
language centers are located in
the left hemisphere.
ASHA. (2007). Common Classifications of Aphasia. September 8,2016, de American Speech Language Hearing Association Sitio web:
http://www.asha.org/Practice-Portal/Clinical-Topics/Aphasia/Common-Classifications-of-Aphasia/ NAA. (2016). Aphasia Dfinitions. September 8, 2016,
de The National Aphasia Association Sitio web: http://www.aphasia.org/aphasia-definitions/ Howard S Kirshner. (2016). Aphasia. September 8, 2016,
de Medscape Sitio web: http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1135944-overview