Make. vs. Do


Mabel Cristina MORENO CULMA
Mind Map by Mabel Cristina MORENO CULMA, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Maria Muñoz
Created by Maria Muñoz about 9 years ago
Mabel Cristina MORENO CULMA
Copied by Mabel Cristina MORENO CULMA over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Make. vs. Do
  1. DO
    1. Actions, Obligations, Repetitive tasks
      1. Housework
        1. Do the housework
          1. Do the laundry
            1. Do the dishes
              1. Do the shopping
              2. Work / Study
                1. Do work / Do homework
                  1. Do bussiness
                    1. Do a good / great / terrible job
                      1. Do a report (write a report)
                        1. Do a course (Take a course)
                        2. Taking care of your body
                          1. Do exercise
                            1. Do your hair (Style it)
                              1. Do your nails (Paint them)
                              2. General Actions
                                1. Do anything / Somenthing / everything / nothing
                                  1. Do well / Do badly
                                    1. Do good
                                      1. Do the right thing
                                        1. do your best
                                    2. MAKE
                                      1. Creating, Producing task you choose to
                                        1. Food
                                          1. Make breakfast / luch / Dinner
                                            1. Make a SANDWICH / Salad
                                              1. Make a cup of tea / Coffie M
                                                1. Make a reservation at restaurant
                                                2. Money
                                                  1. Make a money
                                                    1. Make a profit
                                                      1. Make a fortune
                                                        1. A lot of money
                                                      2. Relationships
                                                        1. Make friends
                                                          1. Make love
                                                            1. ( = Have sex)
                                                            2. Make a pass at (Flirt)
                                                              1. Make fun of someone
                                                                1. Tease / Mock the person
                                                                2. Make up
                                                                  1. Resolve problem
                                                                3. Comunication
                                                                  1. Make a phone call
                                                                    1. Make a joke
                                                                      1. Make a point
                                                                        1. Make a bet
                                                                          1. Make a complaint
                                                                            1. Make a confession
                                                                              1. Make a speech
                                                                                1. Make a suggestion
                                                                                  1. Make a prediction
                                                                                    1. Make an excuse
                                                                                      1. Make a promise
                                                                                        1. Make a fuss
                                                                                          1. Make a comment
                                                                                            1. Make an observation
                                                                                            2. Plans y progress
                                                                                              1. Make a decision
                                                                                                1. make a mistage
                                                                                                  1. Make plans
                                                                                                    1. Make an attem
                                                                                                      1. Make up your mind
                                                                                                        1. Make a discovery
                                                                                                          1. Make a list
                                                                                                            1. Make a sure
                                                                                                              1. Make a difference
                                                                                                                1. Make an exeption
                                                                                                            2. ADMINISTRACION SALUD OCUPACIONAL
                                                                                                              1. MARIA FERNANDA MUÑOZ I.D. 392071

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