Clound Computing en Empresas


Mind Map on Clound Computing en Empresas, created by Erick Fabian Morales on 06/10/2018.
Erick Fabian Morales
Mind Map by Erick Fabian Morales, updated more than 1 year ago
Erick Fabian Morales
Created by Erick Fabian Morales over 6 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Clound Computing en Empresas
  1. Tipos
    1. Clound Publico
      1. Clound Hibrido
        1. Comunnity Clound
          1. Clound Privado
          2. Ventajas
            1. Alcances
              1. Accesibilidad
              2. Desventajas
                1. Inseguridad
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