The kingdoms moneras, proticts and fungi


Mapa Mental en The kingdoms moneras, proticts and fungi, creado por Belen Arechavala Puertas en 03/05/2019.
Belen  Arechavala Puertas
Mind Map by Belen Arechavala Puertas , updated more than 1 year ago
Belen  Arechavala Puertas
Created by Belen Arechavala Puertas almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

The kingdoms moneras, proticts and fungi
  1. Monera kingdom


    • The kingdom moneras includes unicellularmorganismsin simplecomompas bacteria and cyanophyceous algae The vital functions of the Monera Kingdom: -Its nutrition can be autotrophic or heterotrophic, these beings can be photosynthetic or chemosynthetic If they are heterotrophs, they can be saprophytic, parasites and symbiotics - They interact with the environment through answers like the movement of the flagella, but they lack of the sensory organs - Its reproduction is asexual by bipartition
    1. The cell that forms its body is small and can only be seen through a microscope
      1. Its structure is simple: a cell wall envelops the plasma membrane, which contains the cytoplasm
        1. In the cytoplasm and ribosomes that make proteins. They lack mitochondria and chloroplast
          1. They may have flagella to move or fimbrias to attach to the substrate or other cells
          2. Why are the bacterias and the Cyanobacterias important?
            1. They maintain the ecosystem
              1. They create beneficial associations
                1. They produce services and goods
                  1. Some bacterias transmit illness
                  2. The proticts kingdom
                    1. This kingdom has unicellular and multicellular organism
                    2. autotrophic proticts: algaes
                      1. the algaes are autotrophic eukaryotes organism tha can be unicellular or multicellular
                        1. its cells have:


                          • a cellular wall ribosomes mitochondria vacuoles chloroplasts
                          1. vital functions
                            1. its nutrition is autotroph photosynthetic
                              1. unicellular: its reaction with the enviroment is the displacement trough the stimulus
                                1. its reproduction is asexual
                                  1. multicellular: its reaction with the enviroment is the response to the light whit a high or lower grow
                                2. Classification of algaes
                                  1. green algaes
                                    1. red algaes
                                      1. brown algaes
                                      2. why they are important?


                                        • they maintain the ecosystem we use for our alimentation we obtain products to the industry
                                      3. protozoa
                                        1. Thery are eukaryotes heterotrophic organisms, generally unicellular
                                          1. its vital functions


                                            • -heterotrophic nutrition, some of them are depredators and others detritivoros -it interaction is with the movements to temperatures  changes -it reproduction is asexual (biparition or   pluripartition)
                                          2. The mushrooms kingdom


                                            • it include ekuaryotic heterotrophic organisms that can be unicellular or multicellular molds, yeast and mushrooms
                                            1. VITAL FUNCTIONS
                                              1. it interaction give answer to the humidity
                                                1. it reproduction can be asexual, by gemmation in the unicellular organisms and by spores in the others organisms
                                                  1. It nutrition is very varied, it can be saprophytes, parasites or symbiotic
                                                  2. why they are important?
                                                    1. we use for our alimentation
                                                      1. mantain de ecosystem
                                                        1. produce antibiotics
                                                      2. the virus
                                                        1. are acellular beigns, they do not have the cellular structure that the living things have


                                                          • it genetic material can be ADN or ARN They are surrounded by a layer of proteins called capsid some of them have a Membranous wrap surrounding the capsid
                                                          1. the vital function
                                                            1. the virus join to the cell membrane
                                                              1. finally made more virus
                                                                1. the genetic material is intriduced into the cell
                                                                  1. the cell follow the instrucctions of the genetic material of the virus and reproduce its nuclear acids and the proteins of the capsid
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