Stages of the marketing process "Movie Steve Jobs"


Mind Map on Stages of the marketing process "Movie Steve Jobs", created by LGDT 72 on 04/07/2019.
Mind Map by LGDT 72, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by LGDT 72 almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Stages of the marketing process "Movie Steve Jobs"
  1. Stage 1: Analysis of the situation
    1. Environment
      1. Positioning in the network
        1. Market
          1. Distribution network
            1. Competition
              1. Product
    2. Stage 2: Determination of objectives
      1. Characteristics of the objectives
        1. Viables
          1. Concrete and precise
            1. In tiempo
              1. Consensus
                1. Flexible
                  1. Motivators
                2. Stage 3: Development and selection of strategies
                  1. The process to follow to choose strategies is based on:
                    1. The definition of the target audience
                      1. The general approach and specific objetives of the different marketing variables
                        1. The determination of the budget
                          1. The overall assessment of the plan
                            1. The designation of the responsible
                  2. Stage 4: Action plan
                    1. Tell us about these steps seen in the movie:
                      1. About the product
                        1. About the price
                          1. About the distribution channels
                            1. About the commercial organization
                              1. About integral communication
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