
Gabriel David  Pulgarin
Mind Map by Gabriel David Pulgarin, updated more than 1 year ago
Gabriel David  Pulgarin
Created by Gabriel David Pulgarin over 5 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Strategy formulation:
    1. it is the process that leads to the establishment of the organization's mission to establish weaknesses, strengths, opportunities and threats, identifying and interrelating internal and external factors to set objectives and strategies.
    2. Strategic Business Unit (UEN):
      1. It is the organizational unit or planning focus, responsible for one or more products sold to customers and facing competitors
      2. Internal Audit:
        1. Establishes weaknesses and strengths of the organization. It includes audits: management, marketing, financial, production, research and development
        2. Operational planning:
          1. It is the selection of means to pursue goals, given by a superior authority in the short term
          2. Tactical Planning:
            1. It is related to the selection of means to achieve medium-term organizational goals
            2. Short-term plans:
              1. These are very detailed operational plans, usually made within a year.
              2. Medium-term programming:
                1. This process prepares and interrelates specific and functional plans to carry out the strategies. They are generally 2 to 5 years.
                2. Long-term programming:
                  1. these are more general plans whose time exceeds 5 years.
                  2. Policies:
                    1. It is the form by which the goals set will be achieved.
                    2. Business strategy:
                      1. It is the determination of the way in which an organization will compete in a given business and position itself against the competition.
                      2. Corporate strategy:
                        1. It is the determination of the businesses in which an organization will compete and the allocation of resources among them.
                        2. Strategy development:
                          1. Refers to the processes through which each of the three levels of strategies, business, corporate and institutional, is put into practice.
                          2. Implementation of the strategy:
                            1. Process of ensuring that the strategy is included in everything that the organization does, seeking agreement between strategic objectives and the daily activities of the organization.
                            2. Global objectives:
                              1. Long-term results that an organization expects to achieve.
                              2. Strategic diagnosis:
                                1. Analysis that is done through the use of the matrix D.O.F.A. (weaknesses, opportunities, strengths, threats).
                                2. Weaknesses:
                                  1. Activities or obstacles that hinder the optimal functioning of the organization.
                                  2. Opportunities:
                                    1. Economic, social, political, technological, competitive trends, as events that can significantly benefit an organization.
                                    2. Strengths:
                                      1. Internal activities or attributes that support the achievement of the objectives in the organization.
                                      2. Threats:
                                        1. Trends that inhibit, limit or hinder the operational development of an organization.
                                        2. Vision:
                                          1. Broad and sufficient statement of where the organization wants to be in 3 or 5 years.
                                          2. Mission:
                                            1. Formulation of the purposes of an organization. They express the reason for being.
                                            2. Strategies:
                                              1. Actions necessary to maintain and support the achievement of the objectives of the organization
                                              2. Goals:
                                                1. Reference points or aspirations that organizations must achieve in the short term, measurable, quantifiable, quantitative, realistic, stimulating, coherent and priority.
                                                2. Competitive
                                                  1. position: Considered an important aspect in the design of the business strategy and is the general model for competition in the markets where it has decided to compete.
                                                  2. Market
                                                    1. segmentation: Subdivision of a market into different subsets of customers according to their needs and the way they buy and use a good or service
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