planning to win tomorrow through strategies implemented today


Mind Map on planning to win tomorrow through strategies implemented today, created by Steyse Jimenez on 04/09/2019.
Steyse Jimenez
Mind Map by Steyse Jimenez, updated more than 1 year ago
Steyse Jimenez
Created by Steyse Jimenez over 5 years ago

Resource summary

planning to win tomorrow through strategies implemented today
  1. The competitive advantages can be in
    1. Costs. The company has them inferior to its competitors
      1. Product differentiation. Your product is perceived as unique.
      2. You should perform story activities such as
        1. Organizational design
          1. You must design a business structure focused on implementing strategies.
          2. Human factor
            1. led towards the achievement of the company's objectives.
            2. Administrative support systems.
              1. It is necessary to make a good collection and analysis of the information necessary to apply the measures.
            3. Corporate culture
              1. Mission
                1. View
                  1. Values
                  2. FODA
                    1. Strengths
                      1. are the special capabilities with the company's account, and allow you to have a privileged position against the competition
                      2. Threats
                        1. they are often situations that come from the environment and may even threaten the permanence of the organization
                        2. Opportunities
                          1. those factors that have positive, favorable, exploitable results, which must be discovered in the environment in which the company operates
                          2. Weaknesses
                            1. those factors that cause an unfavorable position in the face of competition, resources that are lacking, skills that are not felt, activities that do not develop positively, etc.
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