Gerund after prepositions


Gerund after prepositions
Ed Larrotha
Mind Map by Ed Larrotha, updated more than 1 year ago
Ed Larrotha
Created by Ed Larrotha over 5 years ago
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Resource summary

Gerund after prepositions
  1. In English, if you are going to have a verb after a preposition, the rule is simple- it must ALWAYS be in the gerund form. That is to say that it must always end in “-ing”.
    1. ° They went straight to eat after arriving. ° She is excited about seeing her new puppy. ° Try to rest before travelling
      1. Examples with After, About and Before
    2. Is a noun made from a verb by adding "-ing." For example the gerund form of the verb "eat" is "eating."
      1. ° Writing helps you learn English. (subject of sentence) ° His favorite hobby is reading. (complement of sentence) ° I enjoy reading. (object of sentence)
        1. Examples
        2. What is a gerund?
          1. You can use a gerund as the subject, the complement, or the object of a sentence
          2. Infinitives will NEVER be used after prepositions ONLY GERUNDS. Prepositions are followed by a noun clause, therefore if you wish to use a verb after it, it must be the gerund as this acts as noun.
            1. What about infinitives?
            2. Web References
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