
Mind Map on METALS, created by sofia camarasa blasco on 19/12/2019.
sofia camarasa blasco
Mind Map by sofia camarasa blasco, updated more than 1 year ago
sofia camarasa blasco
Created by sofia camarasa blasco about 5 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Preperties
    1. mechanicals properties
      1. Hard
        1. Malleable
          1. Ductile
            1. Tough
            2. Thermal propertites
              1. Good conductors
                1. Expand
                  1. Soldered
                  2. Electrical and magnetic properties
                    1. Good conductors
                      1. Magnetic behaviour
                      2. Other properties
                        1. Rust
                          1. Conductors
                            1. Soild
                              1. Heavy and dense
                            2. Ferrous metals
                              1. Iron
                                1. Steel
                                  1. Easy to solder
                                    1. Can be forged
                                      1. Rust easily
                                        1. Hard to touch
                                        2. Cast iron
                                          1. Resistant to corrosion and temperature changes
                                            1. Easy to mould
                                              1. Difficult to solder
                                            2. Non-ferrous metals
                                              1. Copper
                                                1. Good conductor
                                                  1. Resistent
                                                    1. Ductile and malleable
                                                    2. Tin
                                                      1. Very ductile
                                                        1. Very easy
                                                        2. Aluminium
                                                          1. Light
                                                            1. Resistant
                                                              1. Good conductor
                                                                1. Non-toxic
                                                                  1. Ductile
                                                                    1. Easy to shape
                                                                    2. Zinc
                                                                      1. Malleabre and ductile
                                                                        1. Good conductor
                                                                          1. Resistant
                                                                        2. Tools
                                                                          1. Measurements and layout
                                                                            1. Holding and bending
                                                                              1. Cutting
                                                                                1. Perforating
                                                                                  1. Filing
                                                                                    1. Joints
                                                                                      1. Treatments
                                                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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