The Primary Sector


Mind Map on The Primary Sector, created by PABLO RUIZ MORÁN on 31/03/2020.
Mind Map by PABLO RUIZ MORÁN, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by PABLO RUIZ MORÁN over 4 years ago

Resource summary

The Primary Sector
  1. Crop farming
    1. Factors
      1. Nature-Related factors
        1. Climate
          1. Soil
            1. Relief
            2. Human factors
              1. Mechanisation
                1. Modern splinker
                  1. Chemicals
                    1. Biological tecniques
                      1. Traditional agriculture
                        1. Developing countries
                          1. Subsitence
                            1. Self-consumption
                            2. Mechanisated agriculture
                              1. Green Revolution
                                1. Developed countries
                          2. Types
                            1. Dry and irrigation farming
                              1. Dry
                                1. Watered exclusively by precipitation
                                2. irrigation
                                  1. Water brougt by aquifers and rivers
                                3. Intensive and extensive farming
                                  1. Intensive
                                    1. Land produces very high yields
                                    2. Extensive
                                      1. Land is left fallow
                                    3. Polyculture and monoculture
                                      1. Polyculture
                                        1. Agricultural areas are divided in plots
                                        2. Monoculture
                                          1. Is highly specialised
                                    4. Livestock farming
                                      1. Factors
                                        1. Human factors
                                          1. Population desnsity
                                            1. Less labour
                                            2. Semi-desert
                                              1. Some desert areas
                                                1. Move constantly
                                                2. Cold and high areas
                                                  1. Mountain ranges
                                                    1. High plateaus
                                                  2. Types
                                                    1. Non-transhumant
                                                      1. Livestock don't move
                                                        1. Developed countries
                                                        2. Seasonal migratory farming
                                                          1. Less common in developed countries
                                                            1. Only move in some year`s season
                                                        3. Forestry
                                                          1. Factors
                                                            1. Climate
                                                              1. Soil
                                                                1. Relief
                                                                  1. Wood
                                                                    1. Cork
                                                                      1. Resin
                                                                        1. Financial profitability
                                                                          1. Paper
                                                                            1. Fortniture
                                                                          2. Types
                                                                            1. Clear feelling
                                                                              1. Forest eliminated
                                                                              2. Thinning
                                                                                1. Some trees are cut down
                                                                                2. Pollarding
                                                                                  1. Prunning
                                                                                  2. Modern forestry
                                                                                    1. More technified
                                                                                3. Fishing
                                                                                  1. Factors
                                                                                    1. Freshwater
                                                                                      1. Ocean water
                                                                                        1. Fishign grounds
                                                                                          1. Warm and cold ocean currents
                                                                                          2. Types
                                                                                            1. Comercial fishing
                                                                                              1. Coastal fishing
                                                                                                1. Deep-see fishing
                                                                                                  1. Trawling
                                                                                                    1. Electrofishing with suction
                                                                                                    2. Aquaculture
                                                                                                      1. Rafts
                                                                                                      2. Traditional fishing
                                                                                                        1. Self-consumption
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