
Mindmap to study the unit about forces
Blanca Francisco
Mind Map by Blanca Francisco, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Blanca Francisco
Created by Blanca Francisco over 4 years ago
Blanca Francisco
Copied by Blanca Francisco over 4 years ago

Resource summary

  1. can be
    1. balanced
      1. the object doesn't move
      2. unbalanced
        1. the object moves
        2. non-contact
          1. contact
          2. can make an object
            1. start moving
              1. speed up
                1. slow down
                  1. change direction
                    1. stop
                      1. change the shape
                        1. break
                        2. CONTACT FORCES
                          1. touching
                            1. UPTHRUST
                              1. applied by water and air
                                1. push force
                                  1. small mass and big volume -> lot of upthrust
                                    1. float in water
                                    2. large mass and small volume -> less upthrust
                                      1. sink in water
                                      2. Upthrust = Weight
                                        1. FLOAT
                                    3. NON-CONTACT FORCES
                                      1. without touching
                                        1. GRAVITY
                                          1. a pull force towards the centre of objects
                                            1. Weight
                                              1. Mass X gravity
                                            2. MAGNETISM
                                              1. push or pull force
                                                1. attract objects made of iron and steel
                                                  1. Magnets have two ends
                                                    1. north pole
                                                      1. south pole
                                                        1. opposite poles: attract
                                                          1. same poles: repel
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