1_Separation process


sepaeration of mixtures.
nallely  trejo
Mind Map by nallely trejo, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
nallely  trejo
Created by nallely trejo almost 8 years ago
nallely  trejo
Copied by nallely trejo almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

1_Separation process
  1. Cu, NaCl, C6H6O, C7H8, S
    1. Gravity filtration
      1. Cu
        1. NaCl, C6H6O, C7H8, S
          1. Detillation
            1. at 78.24 C ethyl will boil, leaving left the salt, toluene and sulfur.
              1. ethyl alcohol
                1. salt, toluene and sulfur
                  1. Gravity filtration
                    1. leaving left salt and in the remaining toluene and sulfur.
                      1. Salt (let it dry)
                        1. Toluene and Sulfur
                          1. Destillation
                            1. at 110.6 C toluene will boil, leaving left the Sulfur.
                              1. Toluene
                                1. Sulfur (Solid)
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