Graphs and diagrams


Mind Map on Graphs and diagrams, created by David Freije Coto on 22/04/2020.
David Freije Coto
Mind Map by David Freije Coto, updated more than 1 year ago
David Freije Coto
Created by David Freije Coto almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Graphs and diagrams
  1. Types of diagrams
    1. Pie Chart
      1. Bar chart
        1. Table
          1. Histogram
            1. cross-section
              1. Flowchart
              2. Diagram elements
                1. key or legend
                  1. segements
                    1. columns and rows
                      1. stages
                        1. label
                        2. Verbs to explain a graph
                          1. double
                            1. soar
                              1. multiply
                                1. appreciate
                                  1. exceed
                                    1. grow
                                      1. increase
                                        1. fall
                                          1. drop
                                            1. decline
                                              1. decline
                                                1. decrease
                                                  1. presents
                                                  2. Nouns to explain a graph
                                                    1. X/Y Axis
                                                      1. peak
                                                        1. data
                                                          1. variable
                                                            1. distribution
                                                            2. Statistical terms related to graphs
                                                              1. avarage
                                                                1. sum
                                                                  1. median
                                                                    1. mode
                                                                      1. extremes
                                                                        1. sample
                                                                          1. distribution
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