Main Trends that Language Teaching


Mind Map on Main Trends that Language Teaching, created by Mishel Villegas on 23/05/2020.
Mishel Villegas
Mind Map by Mishel Villegas, updated more than 1 year ago
Mishel Villegas
Created by Mishel Villegas over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Main Trends that Language Teaching
    1. To evolve our understanding of the process of second language learning
    2. The goal of second and foreing language teaching
      1. Communicative syllabus and methodology
        1. The way of achieving the goal
          1. The Aplication of CLT
            1. Depending on teaching context
              1. The age of the learners
                1. The student's goals
                  1. Characteristics of classroom activities
                    1. The seek to do develop student's communicative competence trought linking grmmatical development to the ability to commincative.
                      1. The create the need for communication , interaction and negotation.
                        1. The provide opportunities for both inductive as wll as deductive laerning of grmmar
                          1. The make use of content that connects to student's lives and interest
                            1. EIGHT MAJOR CHANGES IN CLT
                              1. LEARNER AUTONOMY
                                1. CURRICULAR INTEGRATION
                                  1. DIVERSITY
                                    1. THE SOCIAL NATURE OF LEARNING
                                      1. FOCUS ON MEANING
                                        1. THINKIG SKILLS
                                          1. ALTERNATIVE ASSESMENT
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