Paul Nation


Research nbhh
Angely tatiana OCAMPO SALAZAR
Mind Map by Angely tatiana OCAMPO SALAZAR, updated more than 1 year ago
Angely tatiana OCAMPO SALAZAR
Created by Angely tatiana OCAMPO SALAZAR over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Paul Nation
    1. Emeritus proffesor
      1. School of linguistic. Victoria University of Wellington
      2. Publications
        1. Books. Articles.
          1. Teaching and learning vocabulary. Language teaching methodology. Curriculum design.
            1. 4000 essential english words. How vocabulary is learned. What Should Every EFL Teacher Know?
          2. April 28, 1944
          3. Research
            1. Word frequency lists
              1. Learning burden
                1. Extensive reading.
                  1. L1-L2 Tools
                  2. Ways of quickly giving attention to words.
                    1. 1-Quickly give the meaning
                      1. 2-Draw attention to the form of the word ........
                        1. 3-Draw attention to the use of the word
                        2. Principles
                          1. Don't give complicated explanations
                            1. Showing a pattern or analogies
                              1. Use both oral and written presentation
                                1. Give attention to word that are partly know
                                2. Exercises
                                  1. Meaning
                                    1. Word and meaning matching. Sentences completion. Crossword puzzes.
                                    2. Form
                                      1. Following spelling rules. Recognizing word parts. Building word family tables.
                                      2. Use
                                        1. Sentence completion. Collocation matching.
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