Rococo and Neoclassicism in Bilbao


History Mind Map on Rococo and Neoclassicism in Bilbao, created by Sergio Antia on 07/10/2013.
Sergio Antia
Mind Map by Sergio Antia, updated more than 1 year ago
Sergio Antia
Created by Sergio Antia almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Rococo and Neoclassicism in Bilbao
  1. Plaza Berria
    1. Neoclassical style
      1. Built in 1821
        1. Originally Plaza Vieja
          1. Ribera Market
          2. It`s enclosed by arcaded buildings
            1. Nowadays ...
              1. is the site of the Euskaltzaindia
                1. has traditional taberns, restaurants...
                  1. is used for folk demonstrations
                    1. is used for the Grand Slam Masters Final


                      • one of the strongest chess tournaments in the world
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                  La prehistoria
                  Remei Gomez Gracia
                  La Edad Antigua
                  Remei Gomez Gracia
                  PREHISTORIC WORDS
                  Miguel Saez
                  Abraham Lincoln Facts
                  Maya V.
                  Martin Lutero
                  Diego García Ramírez
                  THE MIDDLE AGES
                  ALFONSO BOTAS
                  The Old Regime, Enlightment and Spain.
                  Borja Martinena Cepa
                  Tema 1: RESTAURACIÓ BORBÒNICA
                  Marc Petit
                  Lucia Hernandez
                  Some history questions
                  Dan Solar
                  THE ENLIGHTENMENT
                  Daniel Tortosa