In the Valley of
Humiliation He saw
Apollyon on a field and
went to meet him
Apollyon and
Christian saw Apollyon on a field and dicided
to go and meet him but he at fisrt was afraid,
then Apollyon asked him where he was
coming from and where he was going,
Christian told him that he came from the city
of destruction and he was going to the City of
Apollyon attack Christian, at the time Apollyon attack him he could
avoided, then Christian started wrestling with him, later Christian
wounded Apollyon with his two-edges sword, the Christian saw the
tree of life and started applying to hes wounds with the leafs, and
inmediately healed, when he was at the borders of the Shadow of
death he meet two mens, they told him to go back and he after
talking to them Christian proceeded to continue his way, after he
start hearing a demons voice, that was trying to confused him, but
he in a way defended himself and dont pay attention to it.
So I saw that Christian went on his his way; yet , at the sight of yhe old man that sat at the mouth of
the cave, he spoke to him, though he could not go after him saying "You will never mend till more of
you be burned" But he held his peace, and set a good face on it, and so went by and catched no
hurt. then Christian started to sing.