

Realizado por Vanesa Aranguren, estudiante de Psicología - Unad
Vanesa Aranguren
Mind Map by Vanesa Aranguren, updated more than 1 year ago
Vanesa Aranguren
Created by Vanesa Aranguren over 4 years ago

Resource summary

  1. It is the science with which data is collected, organized, processed, analyzed and interpreted to facilitate decision making.
    1. Basic Concepts
      1. Population
        1. Statistical Variable
          1. Statistical Unit
            1. Sample
          2. Fields
            1. Psychology
              1. psychometry
                1. It is responsible for the measurement and quantification of psychological processes and cognitive abilities
              2. Health
                1. biostatistics
                  1. Science in which biological or health data are obtained and analyzed through statistical methods.
                2. Economy
                  1. econometrics
                    1. Application of statistical and mathematical methods to the analysis of economic data with the purpose of giving empirical content to economic theories and verifying them.
                  2. Legal Sciences
                    1. criminology
                      1. Part of the law that studies the crime, its causes, ways to avoid it and the way of acting of the people who commit it.
                  3. Data Collection
                    1. Documents
                      1. Observation
                        1. Interviews
                          1. Surveys
                          2. Statistical variables
                            1. Qualitative
                              1. Nominal
                                1. Ordinals
                                2. Quantitative
                                  1. Discreet
                                    1. Continue
                                  2. Measures
                                    1. Dispersion
                                      1. Variance
                                        1. Standard Deviation
                                          1. Range
                                            1. Coeff. of Variation
                                      2. Position
                                        1. Quantiles
                                          1. Percentiles
                                        2. Central Tendency
                                          1. Half
                                            1. Median
                                              1. Fashion
                                        3. Statistical Tools
                                          1. Histogram
                                            1. Cause-effect diagram
                                              1. Dispersion diagram
                                                1. Pareto chart
                                                Show full summary Hide full summary


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                                                CAMPOS DE ACCIÓN DE CONTABILIDAD
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                                                Áreas de Aplicación de la Contabilidad
                                                Raúl Gutiérrez y de la Llave
                                                ASIENTO CONTABLE
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                                                Método de registración contable balanceante: partida doble
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                                                FINANZAS EMPRESARIALES
                                                modulo 1 contabilidad
                                                deysi pedraza
                                                Documentos contables y no contables
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                                                El comercio
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                                                TIPOS DE DICTAMEN