Chapter 2. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud and Amazon Elastic Block Store


Chapter 2
Rubén Fuentes González
Mind Map by Rubén Fuentes González, updated more than 1 year ago
Rubén Fuentes González
Created by Rubén Fuentes González about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Chapter 2. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud and Amazon Elastic Block Store
  1. EC2
    1. EC2 Amazon Machine Images (AMIs)
      1. Quick Start
        1. Marketplace
          1. Community
            1. Private
            2. Instance Types
              1. General purpose
                1. Compute optimized
                  1. Memory optimized
                    1. Accelerated computing
                      1. Storage optimized
                      2. Environment for Your Instance
                        1. Regions
                          1. VPCs
                            1. Tenancy
                              1. Shared
                                1. Dedicated
                                  1. Instance
                                    1. Host
                                2. Security
                                  1. Security Groups
                                    1. IAM Roles
                                      1. NAT Devices
                                        1. Key Pairs
                                      2. EBS
                                        1. Types
                                          1. EBS-Provisioned IOPS SSD
                                            1. EBS General-Purpose SSD
                                              1. Throughput-Optimized HDD
                                                1. Cold HDD
                                              2. Instance Store Volumes
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