
Different ideas of what is the creativity.
Adrian Vazquez
Mind Map by Adrian Vazquez, updated more than 1 year ago
Adrian Vazquez
Created by Adrian Vazquez over 4 years ago

Resource summary

  1. It is the ability to look at the problem and come up with a good solution.
    1. Connect different ideas in a beautiful new way.
      1. WORK
      2. Adds value not only to your life but also to the life of others
        1. SOCIETY
        2. It helps you become self-relying and more confident.
          1. MOTIVATION
          2. Brings out hidden talents
            1. Helps you discover new opportunities that you have not been aware of.
              1. Ileana Fraustro Chairez Adrián Vázquez Pérez
              2. Makes you feel more satisfied at all faces of your life, you are ready to explore new challenges.
                1. Makes you happier, better peson.
                  1. PERSONALITY
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