

Mind Map on Magnetism, created by María Fernada Izquierdo Becerra on 16/11/2020.
María Fernada Izquierdo Becerra
Mind Map by María Fernada Izquierdo Becerra, updated more than 1 year ago
María Fernada Izquierdo Becerra
Created by María Fernada Izquierdo Becerra almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

  1. the things that are attracted are called magnetic objects
    1. Are objects that contain Iron, nickel or cobalt
    2. the things that did not get attracted are called non magnetic objects.
      1. the rest
      2. There are North Pole and South Pole.
        1. When you put north and south it will attract
          1. When you put north with north or south with south it will repel each other.
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