Gender Equity


Mind Map on Gender Equity, created by Geovanna Ambi on 21/12/2020.
Geovanna Ambi
Mind Map by Geovanna Ambi, updated more than 1 year ago
Geovanna Ambi
Created by Geovanna Ambi about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Gender Equity
  1. Gender
    1. attitudes and behaviors
      1. accepted
        1. by society
        2. appropiate ways
          1. being
            1. woman
              1. men
          2. parity
            1. same proportion
            2. equality
              1. gets same thing
                1. same rights
            3. same oppotunities
              1. no discrimination
              2. Education
                1. Educational equality
                  1. equal acces to resourses
                  2. Educational equity
                    1. help students
                      1. with low-income
                  3. Gender discrimination
                    1. unfair treatment
                      1. of women
                    2. Factors
                      1. Political
                        1. participation
                        2. Socio-economic
                          1. poverty
                          2. Socio-cultural
                            1. patriarchal society
                              1. Chauvinist mentality
                                1. Violence
                              2. Stakeholders
                                1. Goverment
                                  1. parents
                                    1. schools
                                      1. reconstruct
                                        1. idea of gender
                                          1. classroom
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