Unit 1


Mind Map on Unit 1, created by thaiscristinaift on 15/09/2015.
Mind Map by thaiscristinaift, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by thaiscristinaift over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Unit 1
  1. Present Simple
    1. Affirmative
      1. She likes grape
        1. He, She, It Verb+S
      2. Negative
        1. She doesn't like grape
          1. He,She,It Does+not (doesn't) + Verb
        2. Yes/No Questions
          1. Does she like grape?
            1. V.Aux + Subj. + Verb+...?
          2. W questions
            1. Why does she study English?
              1. W.Quest. V.Aux. Subj. Verb +...?
          3. Reading Comprehension Spotlight
            1. What exacty is Computer Science ?
              1. What Computer Science is not...
                1. What are hot topics in Computer Science today ?
                  1. Can Computer Science be combined with other fields of study ?
            2. Cognatos
              1. Falsos Cognatos
                1. College/Universidade
                  1. Luch/Almoço
                    1. Lanche/Snak
              2. Computer Vocabulary
                1. Keyboards/Teclado
                  1. Power Supply/Fonte de Energia
                    1. Hard drive/Disco Rígido
                  2. Motherboard/Placa Mãe
                    1. Graphics Card/Placa de Video
                      1. Memory Stick/Cartão de Memoria/Pen drive
                    2. Data Cables/Cabos de Dados
                      1. Mainframes
                        1. DVD recorder/Gravador de DVD
                          1. Speakers/Alto-falante
                    3. Phrasal Verbs
                      1. Deal With
                        1. "(...)Knowing how to deal with stress will help you keep your cool."
                          1. Brands Spotlight
                              1. Transportadora Brasileira
                                1. Entrega Expressa de Documentos etc...
                                  1. Leadership/Liderança
                                    1. Empresa trabalha com acessórios informaticos
                                    2. Marcas
                                  2. Lidar/Com
                                    1. Deal
                                      1. Lidar/Negociar
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