

My mind map
Sofia Obando
Mind Map by Sofia Obando, updated more than 1 year ago
Sofia Obando
Created by Sofia Obando about 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. She would like to make a trip with her family.
    1. My wife make decisions in her job every day.
      1. My daugter has make the dinner this nigth
        1. This music make a loud noise
          1. I had to make the clean of my kitchen
            1. He makes her happiness
              1. Most toys are made in China
                1. They make the best cupcakes
                  1. She has to do the breakfast
                    1. She has to do the washing the dishes
                      1. She does yoga
                        1. They didn't enjoy the party
                          1. My sister has do business
                            1. My wife need do a favour
                              1. She does his best effort to lose weight
                                1. He is doing harm to his family
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