Unit 5


Mind Map on Unit 5, created by Álvaro Barrero on 29/01/2016.
Álvaro Barrero
Mind Map by Álvaro Barrero, updated more than 1 year ago
Álvaro Barrero
Created by Álvaro Barrero about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Unit 5
  1. Will & be going to
    1. Facts about the future
      1. Formal
        1. There will be an eclipse tomorrow
        2. Informal
          1. There's going to be an eclipse tomorrow
        3. Predictions
          1. Formal
            1. One day, people will have holidays in Mars
            2. Informal
              1. One day, people are going to have holidays in Mars
            3. Decisions made at the moment af speaking
              1. I know! I'll get Dad a DVD for Christmas
                1. I know! I'm going to get Dad a DVD for Christmas
              2. Present perfect / continous to talk about the future
                1. Conditional
                  1. If it rains tomorow...
                  2. Certain time expressions
                    1. I'll see you when I get home mext week
                    2. Arguments made before speaking
                      1. We're leaving at 3pm
                      2. Timetables
                        1. he flight leaves at 3pm
                      3. Vocabulary
                        1. Engine
                          1. Motor
                          2. Research
                            1. Buscar info.
                            2. Investigation
                              1. "Investigación policial"
                              2. Battery
                                1. Bateria
                                2. Electrycity
                                  1. Electricidad
                                  2. Equipment
                                    1. Equipo
                                    2. Machine
                                      1. Maquina
                                      2. Develop
                                        1. Desarrollar
                                        2. Discover
                                          1. Descubrir
                                          2. Invent
                                            1. Invento
                                          3. Writing vocavulary
                                            1. Sir / Madam
                                              1. However
                                                1. Regarding
                                                  1. Advertisement
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