Conservation Biology -
concerned with the studies
and schemes of habitat
preservation and species
protection for the purpose of
alleviating extinction crisis
and conserving biodiversity.
adaptations in
relation to habitat
Stages of growth
. Morphology.- it studies
the constitution of the
living things and the
internal and external
Comparative anatomy —
The scientific study of
similarities and
differences in the bodily
structures of distinct
types of animal
Geographic location
Biogeography - a science
that attempts to
describe the changing
distributions and
geographic patterns of
living and fossil species
of plants and animals
Type of diet:
Biochemistry.- it is the
study of the proteins,
carbohydrates, lipids,
nucleic acids, etc. but it
also study how they
interact with the body
Sitology.- Science of
food, diet and
Food chain:
the ecosystem, species are connected by
food chains or food webs.