language teaching/learning procedure is that it is
reading of large quantities of material or long texts;
for global or general understanding; with the
intention of obtaining pleasure from the text.
Further, because reading is individualized, with
students choosing the books they want to read,
the books are not discussed in class.
Extensive reading
Rapid reading of a large quantities
of material or longer reading for
general understanding.
Purpose: A lifelong reading
habit , enjoyment and general
reading skills.
Place & time: out of course
Shot texts, Helps sutudents to
develop reading skills, vocabulary
and gramar knowledge, Detailed
meaning from the text, Linguistics
Intensive Reading
Reding in detail with specific learning aims and tasks
Purpose: Detailed meaning, developing reading skills vocabulary and grammar knowledge.
place & time to use: in the Course
Use In: long texts / Books,
Helps students to develop
reading fluency, General
Understanding, what is being