diferences between animal and plant cells


this is my mind map of cell :3
shari chan
Mind Map by shari chan, updated more than 1 year ago
shari chan
Created by shari chan over 8 years ago

Resource summary

diferences between animal and plant cells
  1. plant celll
    1. usually is larger in size
      1. have plastisids
        1. contains a large central vacuole
          1. can`t change it`s shape
            1. citokinesis occurs by cell plate method
              1. plant cell synthetize animo acids
                1. have cell wall
                  1. gloxysomes are present
                  2. animal cell
                    1. are smaller than plant cell
                      1. are closed by a cell membrane
                        1. they often change it's shape
                          1. plastisids are usually absent
                            1. have many small vacuoles
                              1. citokinesis occurs by construction
                                1. nucleus is in the center
                                  1. lysosomes are always in animal cell
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