Error handling, role of the teacher, role of the student, use of L1/L2, type of teaching materials, type of dynamics, etc.


Mind Map on Error handling, role of the teacher, role of the student, use of L1/L2, type of teaching materials, type of dynamics, etc., created by Fernanda Díaz on 18/08/2016.
Fernanda Díaz
Mind Map by Fernanda Díaz, updated more than 1 year ago
Fernanda Díaz
Created by Fernanda Díaz over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Error handling, role of the teacher, role of the student, use of L1/L2, type of teaching materials, type of dynamics, etc.
  1. The most active period on history of approaches and methods was from 1950 to 1980
    1. The Audiolingual method and the Situational method were an emergency, which were both superseded by the Communicative Approach
      1. During the same period other methods attracted smaller but equally enthusiastic followers.
        1. Including: Silent Way, Natural Approach and Total Physical Response.
      2. Approach and method
        1. Important Linguistics and authors
          1. Henry Sweet, Otto Jespersen and Harold Palmer
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