The components of the
instructional design
include analysis of
learners, problems and
needs, designing of
instructionl design
include activities and
Analysis, Development, Implementation, and
Evaluation. Each phase in ADDIE model is relaed to
and interacts with each other.
Analysis phase: In
analysis of the
learner. We need
to know what do
the learner{s know
already about the
In analysis of instructional
goals:Identify obvious goals
for the specific instruction.
In fact, you will create a very
effective instruction
Developing instructional
analysis: We will start to
write all the important
steps and all the details
that we need to achieve
the goal
Design phase: Assessment,
Form of the course, Creating
Instructional strategiies
Development phase: Samples
of material, Start developing
our course material, Pilot test.
Implementation phase:
Training, prepare and
organize the lerners
Evauation phase: Evaluate
the matials, small group
evaluation, Formative
evaluation, Summative