
Mind Map on 1_CROP FARMING, created by Juan Lázaro Gómez on 30/10/2016.
Juan Lázaro Gómez
Mind Map by Juan Lázaro Gómez, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Juan Lázaro Gómez
Created by Juan Lázaro Gómez about 8 years ago
Juan Lázaro Gómez
Copied by Juan Lázaro Gómez about 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Factors
    1. Nature
      1. Climate
        1. soil
          1. Relief
          2. Human
            1. Mechanisation
              1. greenhouse
                1. Chemicals
                  1. Biological techniques
                    1. Irrigation
                  2. Types
                    1. Dry and Irrigation
                      1. Dry
                        1. water of precipitation
                        2. Irrigation
                          1. water
                            1. Aquifers
                              1. Rivers
                          2. Intensive and extensive
                            1. Intensive
                              1. Left fallow
                              2. Extensive
                                1. Very high yields
                              3. Polyculture and monoculture
                                1. Monoculture
                                  1. Only one plot
                                  2. Polyculture
                                    1. Lots of plots
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