Physical qualities


para trabajo gimnasia
Javier Abril Román
Mind Map by Javier Abril Román, updated more than 1 year ago
Javier Abril Román
Created by Javier Abril Román over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Physical qualities
  1. Basics
    1. The physical energy that someone has to lift or move things
      1. Maximum strength
        1. Explosive strength
          1. Resistance strength
            1. STRENGTH
            2. The ability of not being harmed by something
              1. RESISTANCE
                1. Anaerobic
                  1. Aerobic
                  2. The range of movements your limbs can do freely
                    1. FLEXIBILITY
                      1. Muscular movements
                        1. Muscular flexibility
                        2. The ability to move your limbs fast
                          1. SPEED
                            1. Movement speed
                              1. Resistance speed
                                1. Acceleration speed
                                  1. Maximum speed
                                  2. Gestual speed
                                    1. Reaction speed
                                  3. Complementaries
                                    1. Agility
                                      1. Equlibrium
                                        1. Dinamic
                                          1. Static
                                          2. Coordination
                                            1. General dinamic
                                              1. Segmentary
                                                1. Foot-hand
                                                  1. Eye-Hand
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