Life in ancient Egypt


Life in ancient Egypt
israel lopez
Mind Map by israel lopez, updated more than 1 year ago
israel lopez
Created by israel lopez over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Life in ancient Egypt
  1. They cultivated cereals(to making bread and beer), legumes, grapes and flax(To making clothes)
    1. The Nile was also the main means of transport for people and goods
      1. The Egyptians traded with Mesopotamia, Phoenicia. The sold cereals, winw and craftwork made of clay or glass and precius stones. They bought wood, metal and slaves from other countries
        1. The Nile was
        2. The rest of the people (farmers, merchants and craftsmen) lived in houses made of adove wood and reeds.
          1. They ussually have one storey, altought in cityes they could have has many five.
            1. The roofs were used to dry crops and to sleep during the hot summer nights.
            2. Doys and girls could go to school.
              1. Toys and board games have been discovered in burial offerings. The boys learned their father's trade and the girls learned music, dance and domestic tasks
              2. Toys and board games have been discovered in burial offerings.
                1. The boys learned their father's tradeand the girls learned music, dance and domestic tasks.
                2. The ruling class were the pharaoh, priests and important goverment officials
                  1. They lived in large houses or palaces made of adove and stone, meny people served them, including slaves.
                    1. Their children went to school, where they were taught the hieroglyphic script and mathematics.
                    2. The Egyptian economy was based on fluvial agriculture and trade.
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