Lesson 12 - Possible Threats To Data


Mind Map on Lesson 12 - Possible Threats To Data, created by Ellen Greenough on 21/06/2014.
Ellen Greenough
Mind Map by Ellen Greenough, updated more than 1 year ago
Ellen Greenough
Created by Ellen Greenough over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Lesson 12 - Possible Threats To Data
  1. Malware
    1. Hostile software or program code.
    2. Opportunist
      1. People who find an unattended computer which has been left logged in a system may view, steal or damage information
      2. Phishing
        1. A type threat which attempts to gain access to passwords, financial details and other such priviled information. Often this is done by email messages pretending to come from trusted websites, instant messaging or social networks. Normally, they try to divert you to a website which looks original and which asks for information about you.
        2. Accidental Damage
          1. May be caused by a natural disaster (flooding), mischief or accidental mishap, and can result in losing of a computer's data.
          2. Possible consequences of an attack....
            1. Reputation for being secure might be damaged, potential customers put off costing the business money.
              1. When an organisation's secrets are spread to competitors or to the wider public, any particular advantage the organisation has will be lost.
                1. Identity theft could cause problems with obtaining loans and other contractual agreement.
                2. Physical Barrier
                  1. These include turning off computers and locking offices when the systems are unattended ton prevent damage by people, the environment (for example: fire, flooding) or theft.
                  2. Passwords
                    1. Sequences of characters, known only to the computer user, allows access to a computer, network or application.
                    2. Access Levels
                      1. These can be set up the allow individuals to have access to only specific levels of an applications and to prevent unauthorized users from accessing particular data.
                      2. Anti-virus Software
                        1. This is set up to intercept computer viruses before they can become resident on the computer. The software can isolate the virus, remove it and sometimes repair any damage.
                        2. Firewall
                          1. This is a piece of software that monitors all data arriving at your computer from the internet and all data leaving your computer. It stops anything that it thinks is harmful or unwanted, for example viruses, spam.
                          2. Encryption
                            1. This is used to codify data so that it cannot be read by anyone who does not have the key to the code. An algorithm, sometimes known as a cipher, is applied to the data at the transmission end and the reverse is applied at the reception end
                            2. Backup and recovery
                              1. Making a backup of data is the only way of recovering from a total data disaster. Many individuals and organizations backup data to Flash solid state storage devices or magnetic tape at night. The tapes are stored safely in a separate place, so that they are not destroyed by any disaster, which could destroy the master system (for example: fire, earthquake).
                              2. Different types of backups
                                1. Full System Backup of all data held for a specific purpose.
                                  1. Incremental Backup of files or data that as been changed since the last full backup and its faster than running a full backup every time.
                                    1. Backups to removable media, such as a removable hard drive, USB sticks, CD's and DVD's.
                                    2. Identity Theft
                                      1. When someone steals your personal details in order to use them to open bank accounts and get credit cards, loans, a passport or a driving license in your name.
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