Educational Leadership


This mindmap outlines educational leadership as per Lesson 5 Assignment guidelines.
Ken Zimmerman
Mind Map by Ken Zimmerman, updated more than 1 year ago
Ken Zimmerman
Created by Ken Zimmerman over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Educational Leadership
  1. Instructional


    • Define instructional leadership.
    1. Distributed leadership


      • This is shared instructional leadership not only concerning the principal but shared with teachers as well.
      1. Central Office Admin
        1. Principals
          1. Teachers
            1. Resources


              • Recognizing & Using Intellectual and Experiential Resources  (Kennedy, Deuel, Nelson, & Solovit 2011)   
              1. Intellectual


                • What teachers know - subject expertise
                1. Experiential


                  • What teachers have experienced - trial on error
                  1. Collaboration
                  2. Decisions


                    • Differentiating top-down and lateral decision making. (Kennedy, Deuel, Nelson, & Solovit 2011)   
                    1. Shared
                      1. Lateral
                        1. Heterarchy
                        2. Culture


                          • Building culture through dialogue and inquiry (Kennedy, Deuel, Nelson, & Solovit 2011)   
                          1. PLCs
                            1. Open dialogue
                              1. Norms
                            2. Taking the responsibility for teaching and increased student learning


                              • The actions of a leader of instructional practices. (Wahlstrom, Paul, & Michlin 2009)
                              1. Instructional strategies
                                1. Instructional resources
                                  1. Classroom management
                                    1. Reflective practices
                                      1. Assessments
                                        1. Data informed instruction
                                          1. Curriculum
                                        2. Characteristics promoting school improvement


                                          • What are the critical leadership characteristics needed to promote continuous school improvement? 
                                          1. Shared vision & Growth Mindet


                                            • Developing a shared by stakeholders vision - administrators/teachers/students setting direction and developing people (Leithwood, Mascall, Strauss, Sacks, Memon & Yashkina 2007)
                                            1. Redefining the organization
                                              1. Supporting teachers
                                                1. Supporting students
                                                2. Activities
                                                  1. Goals
                                                    1. Managing the Instructional Programs
                                                      1. Technology Resources
                                                        1. Operation procedures
                                                          1. Curriculum Resources
                                                          2. Clarity of roles within shared leadership
                                                        2. Organizational factors


                                                          • What are the organizational factors that impede or ameliorate leadership efforts?
                                                          1. Principal Plus


                                                            • Multiple individuals are responsible for leading learning in our schools not just the principal (Spillane, 2009)    
                                                            1. Teachers
                                                              1. Principals
                                                                1. Coaches
                                                                2. Practice


                                                                  • The work in leading and managing learning. (Spillane, 2009)    
                                                                  1. SMEs


                                                                    • Build capacity
                                                                  2. Impediments
                                                                    1. Top-down decisions only
                                                                      1. Burnt out teachers
                                                                        1. Helicopter Community Efforts
                                                                          1. Micromanagement
                                                                            1. Resistors
                                                                              1. Closed dialogue
                                                                                1. Toxic culture
                                                                                  1. High turn over (teacher/admin)
                                                                                  2. Ameliorate
                                                                                    1. Shared leadership
                                                                                      1. Community of learning
                                                                                        1. Implicit bias


                                                                                          • Be aware and acknowledge implicit associations race, gender, disability, etc. of all stakeholders 
                                                                                          1. Embrace Change
                                                                                            1. Partner/Collaborator
                                                                                              1. Community
                                                                                                1. Teachers
                                                                                                  1. Administrators
                                                                                                    1. Students
                                                                                                    2. Take actionable steps of shared visions


                                                                                                      • "Talk is cheap" p. 4 (Spillane, 2009)
                                                                                                      1. Systemic changes
                                                                                                        1. Leaders/Followers
                                                                                                          1. Instructional practices
                                                                                                            1. Teaching/Learning
                                                                                                              1. Cultural
                                                                                                              2. Develop people


                                                                                                                • Professional learning opportunities to develop internal capacities
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