Social inclusion and the social model of disability


Mind Map on Social inclusion and the social model of disability, created by Laura Ness on 29/05/2013.
Laura Ness
Mind Map by Laura Ness, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by Charlie_eeyore over 11 years ago
Laura Ness
Copied by Laura Ness over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Social inclusion and the social model of disability
  1. Number of barriers
    1. Environmental
      1. Prevent from getting out and about
        1. Expression of society's underlying attitudes
        2. Attitudinal
          1. Structural
          2. The social consquences of having an impairment
            1. Prevented for participating fully In Home and family life
            2. Social model devised by disabled academics
              1. Chronically sick and disabled persons(CSDP)
                1. Social services and housing authorities
                  1. Placed duty on local authorities
                    1. Designed to secure greater safety, comfort and convinence
                    2. Public sector housing legislation - look at their housing stock
                      1. Stigma attached to separate housing
                        1. Lack of choice
                      2. DFG
                        1. Partnership between housing, health and social care
                        2. Centres for integrated living
                          1. Run by disabled people
                            1. Meeting needs on a number of levels
                            2. Disability Discrimination Act (DDA)
                              1. Transport
                                1. Property
                                2. More planning in new builds to make them more accessible and adaptable as people chnage
                                  1. Lifetime homes
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