The Amazing Life of the musculo-skeletal human body system of locomotion


resource for third term plannings for 4th grade about the musculoskeletal huamn body system of locomotion and healthy and unhealthy habits. 14 weeks of planning with these contents.
Ana Karina Yepes Gomez
Mind Map by Ana Karina Yepes Gomez, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Ana Karina Yepes Gomez
Created by Ana Karina Yepes Gomez about 6 years ago
Ana Karina Yepes Gomez
Copied by Ana Karina Yepes Gomez about 6 years ago

Resource summary

The Amazing Life of the musculo-skeletal human body system of locomotion
  1. Content
    1. Healthy and Unhealthy Habits
      1. Coordination and body movement
        1. The skeletal system, the muscular system and nervous systems. Structures and functions
      2. Cognition
        1. Identify and describe the structures of the skeletal system and their functions; Explain body movemet and describe the benefits of physicial activity; Identify the structures of the nervous system and describe their functions; discuss the unhealthy effects of alcohol; formulate predictions about how muscles work when the arm bends.
        2. Culture
          1. Education through values: working in groups and respecting the environment. discuss health and unhealthy habits; discuss ways to protect your musculo-skeletal systems health. What to do in an emergency.
          2. Communication
            1. Language of learning
              1. Using word focus (Vocabulary building), description techniques,make predictions and inferences, ask and answer quesions in present simple, give examples, use of superlative, description of diagrams, use verbs of movement and locomotion., make descritions with the use of adjectives, spelling bee activities, present simple phrases, make discutions
              2. Language through learning
                1. Identify and make descriptions of structures and human body parts and their functions like the skeletal system, the muscular system and the nervous system. Discuss healthy and un healthy habits; describe the benefits of healthy habits like physicial activity, formulate predictions about how muscles work when the arm bends
                2. Language for learning
                  1. 4 Language skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading: use of diagrams, text carriers and models to communicate ideas, explanations and observations. work on the different scientific skills
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