

Administración de Empresas Mind Map on Microeconomics, created by Viviana Mora on 15/02/2020.
Viviana Mora
Mind Map by Viviana Mora, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Viviana Mora
Created by Viviana Mora almost 5 years ago
Hernan Vargas
Copied by Hernan Vargas almost 5 years ago
Viviana Mora
Copied by Viviana Mora almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

  1. what is microeconomics?
    1. Economy
      1. economics is the social science that is dedicated to studting how individuals manage the scare resources to meet their needs
        1. Fundamental economic problems
          1. what and when to produce ?
            1. How to produce?
              1. for whom to produce?
            2. goods
              1. The goods are tangible items used to meet the needs
                1. Needs
                  1. The needs are expression of what an individual requires indispensable for his subsistence and development
                    1. Fundamental problems
                      1. What and how much to produce?
                        1. Logical options that meet social needs
                        2. How to produce?
                          1. Productive efficiency
                          2. For whom to produce?
                            1. Equity
                              1. Distributive efficiency in search of well-being
                              2. Productive factors
                                1. Ground
                                    1. Natural resources
                                  1. Capital
                                    1. Human creation used for the production of goods and services
                                    2. Job
                                        1. Human effort
                                  2. Branch of:
                                  3. Macroeconomy
                                    1. Microeconomics
                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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